Wednesday 13 July 2011

Volunteering isn't just for adults....but kids too! Take a look at Finnley, a young boy keen to make friends in different cultures...and he sure is making the most of his time in Ghana! He is usually with the rest of the kids at the orphanage, playing with them and become good friends with them all. Ghanaian culture is known for its friendliness and keenness to welcome people from different countries...especially England (considering its relationship with the UK in past histories). Not only does this apply to older Ghanaians, but young ones too! The orphans don't judge little Finnley because he is different, they are keen to show him all their games! If you come to volunteer with us, take Finnley's attitude and come with a childlike attitude and go with the flow and go where the river of Ghana takes you!

If you are interested in volunteering, please email us.

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