Tuesday 12 July 2011

Love Kids Football Academy has officially been declared open! Co-founded by Francis Adu and Rachel Hobbs, it is a way of bringing a bright future to desolate orphans and unfortunate street children. It will give them a great future and a reason to carry on in the difficult dust streets of Nkoranza. Today Rachel and Francis shall be "plugging" the academy on a local radio station, which hopefully will bring more talented footballers to their attentions. Whilst Francis goes scout more footballers at the surrounding schools, we hope that this will be the start of a wonderful future for the unfortunate boys in rural Ghana. Rachel Hobbs, from the UK, also hopes to donate football kits to the boys who will train everyday.

Love Kids is now starting to expand, to affect the lives of not only the orphans at Love Kids but to the surrounding communities and hopefully to other countries in the continent of Africa.


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