Sunday 21 October 2012

The kids in Ghana are really looking forward to November, reason for this is they will be welcoming their next volunteer Jane. They simply adore having volunteers come to stay with them, they love to share their life and culture, and even teach them some Ampe (dance with clapping and singing) among other fun Ghanaian games. As soon as you turn round the corner of the orphanage building, and they see you they all run up to you wanting hugs and to be picked up! A fantastic reception and they hope their next volunteer will love to spend time with them.

Our volunteer coming next month has set up a giving page, where you can donate to us:

If you are interested in volunteering, log onto and apply online. Or email us at

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Why volunteer for Christmas?

Volunteering for any amount of time requires commitment and determination. Many of us have heard of a company called do-it, their motto 'volunteering made easy'. Volunteering is never easy; it is hard and dirty but because of this it makes it all worth the while. Sacrificing a piece of yourself to others in an unknown culture is what it is all about. Volunteering at a time such as Christmas means sacrificing your own wants and your own needs and it means putting others before your own desires. This Christmas, the kids at the orphanage may not have a Christmas tree, or presents, or even having a special day. Making Christmas day for them special and exciting and full of joy will make their year. How about thinking about volunteering over the Christmas period and bringing some of that festive spirit and cheer into their lives, even if it is just for a week or a short few days. Apply to volunteer online and prepare for the adventure of your lives in Ghana

Sunday 17 July 2011

Our volunteer, Rachel Hobbs has accomplished much in her short time at Love Kids Orphanage. She has recently written an article for the local newspaper who will be recording the new Love Kids Academy that has recently been formed:

The future of football
Do you have the talent to be the next Micheal Essien, Abedi Pele or Abdul Razak? Do you want superior fitness training, personalized nutrition and to play for a team with international football links? If so, Nkoranza welcomes LOVE KIDS FOOTBALL ACADEMY to its district and is offering you the chance to be a part of it.
LOVE KIDS ACADEMY, named after LOVE KIDS FOUNDATION based in Nkoranza begun after Mr Francis Adu realised the lack of physical, emotional and financial support available for the young, talented footballers of the Brong-Ahafo region. Along with the assistance of Rachel Hobbs, a current English volunteer at the orphanage, business plans were implemented, football kits and equipment were purchased and LOVE KIDS ACADEMY was born.
This not for profit organization aims to provide an opportunity to young, dedicated footballers to mature into the talented players they have ability to be. It also provides a chance for all children to not only amplify their football talent but also create a place for them to feel safe, develop their social skills and improve their physical fitness as well as guide them to live a successful, trouble free life.
With over thirty local boys already attending fitness training on a regular basis, the justification happening on Saturday 23rd July 2011 and welcoming footballers from all regions looks as if it will be extremely popular; choosing the best talent for an under 12 years and under 15 years team will most certainly prove challenging.
LOVE KIDS ACADEMY is proud to introduce renowned coach and retired footballer Mr Barfo Mohammed who will be leading training sessions, supported by assistant coach Osman Nabri. With the aid of fitness instructor and nutritionist Rachel Hobbs, the management team have huge faith that the players of LOVE KIDS ACADEMY will excel to play worldwide.
The success of LOVE KIDS players is already evident by the international football link the novel ACADEMY has with the thriving UK side The Robins. This along with potential sponsorships looking optimistic allows Chief Executive Officer Mr Francis Adu to put the preparations in place for the long term goals of the academy. Mr Adu whom already successfully directs LOVE KIDS ORPHANAGE, ensuring the children in this family run care home are happy and healthy, as well as providing them with a private education; eventually plans to purchase training grounds and housing in order to accommodate the players of the academy. Mr Adu, who appeared alongside Rachel Hobbs and Mohammed Barfo on FM Radio said in a statement “We have all the preparation in place to ensure LOVE KIDS ACADEMY and its players are a huge success, we take our training, fundraising and management very seriously and want to create an environment where our players feel they have the best chance of playing football at an international level. We are here to train and support them to achieve their dream.’
For the opportunity to be a part of an inevitably successful team the justify for LOVE KIDS ACADEMY will take place at Nkoranza Children’s Park at 12pm on Saturday 23rd July. For any further queries please call ............

Thursday 14 July 2011

Sponsoring a child at Love Kids is so easy, a click of a button and you have committed yourself to an orphan of Ghana! You have started the process of changing their life...through contributing to buying their food, education fees, school necessities, health insurance and so much more. You will receive up to date news and recent photograph's that will get you to know your sponsored child. You will also get a response from them! We also encourage you to send a letter by Airmail, as this will make you seem more real to the child in Ghana! We can also arrange a trip to Ghana for you to meet your sponsored child in person! This would be a wonderful way for you to visit another country, but also affect your sponsored child's life in a real way. Sponsoring a child is only £10 per month and for such a small amount of money, this can really affect the child's life. If you would like to sponsor a child, please view our website or email us on:

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Volunteering isn't just for adults....but kids too! Take a look at Finnley, a young boy keen to make friends in different cultures...and he sure is making the most of his time in Ghana! He is usually with the rest of the kids at the orphanage, playing with them and become good friends with them all. Ghanaian culture is known for its friendliness and keenness to welcome people from different countries...especially England (considering its relationship with the UK in past histories). Not only does this apply to older Ghanaians, but young ones too! The orphans don't judge little Finnley because he is different, they are keen to show him all their games! If you come to volunteer with us, take Finnley's attitude and come with a childlike attitude and go with the flow and go where the river of Ghana takes you!

If you are interested in volunteering, please email us.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Love Kids Football Academy has officially been declared open! Co-founded by Francis Adu and Rachel Hobbs, it is a way of bringing a bright future to desolate orphans and unfortunate street children. It will give them a great future and a reason to carry on in the difficult dust streets of Nkoranza. Today Rachel and Francis shall be "plugging" the academy on a local radio station, which hopefully will bring more talented footballers to their attentions. Whilst Francis goes scout more footballers at the surrounding schools, we hope that this will be the start of a wonderful future for the unfortunate boys in rural Ghana. Rachel Hobbs, from the UK, also hopes to donate football kits to the boys who will train everyday.

Love Kids is now starting to expand, to affect the lives of not only the orphans at Love Kids but to the surrounding communities and hopefully to other countries in the continent of Africa.

Life in Ghana is hard... the days are hot, (sometimes no wind at all), to make a meal is hard-going, earning money is a difficult task, malaria and other diseases could get you at any moment. Yet, through all this adversity, through all this toil and constant running against this life...our orphans smile. Yes, they smile! They don't have an XBOX, they jump for joy when they get chocolate milk or bubbles, and they do their chores without complaining...and through this hard life they still smile. Ghana is hard, she is difficult, she is corrupt and she can sometimes be painful...but among all this; she is utterly beautiful.

Our orphans are smiling through this life, regardless of what happens. Our thought of the day is: are you smiling through your luxury?