Sunday 21 October 2012

The kids in Ghana are really looking forward to November, reason for this is they will be welcoming their next volunteer Jane. They simply adore having volunteers come to stay with them, they love to share their life and culture, and even teach them some Ampe (dance with clapping and singing) among other fun Ghanaian games. As soon as you turn round the corner of the orphanage building, and they see you they all run up to you wanting hugs and to be picked up! A fantastic reception and they hope their next volunteer will love to spend time with them.

Our volunteer coming next month has set up a giving page, where you can donate to us:

If you are interested in volunteering, log onto and apply online. Or email us at

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Why volunteer for Christmas?

Volunteering for any amount of time requires commitment and determination. Many of us have heard of a company called do-it, their motto 'volunteering made easy'. Volunteering is never easy; it is hard and dirty but because of this it makes it all worth the while. Sacrificing a piece of yourself to others in an unknown culture is what it is all about. Volunteering at a time such as Christmas means sacrificing your own wants and your own needs and it means putting others before your own desires. This Christmas, the kids at the orphanage may not have a Christmas tree, or presents, or even having a special day. Making Christmas day for them special and exciting and full of joy will make their year. How about thinking about volunteering over the Christmas period and bringing some of that festive spirit and cheer into their lives, even if it is just for a week or a short few days. Apply to volunteer online and prepare for the adventure of your lives in Ghana